Bar Brothers System

In the 7 Day Belly Blast Diet plan, a program that's designed to help people lose belly fat fast, nutritionist Josh Bezoni uses a method called Calorie Confusion. This is a method that Mr. Bezoni invented to help people achieve long term fat loss results. In this article, I want to go over what Calorie Bar Brothers System Confusion means, how it works, why it is used, and how it fits in the 7 Day Belly Blast Diet program. Basically, what this term means is that you, the person who wants to lose body fat, need to change the overall number of calories that you consume every so often. In the 7 Day Belly Blast Diet, you do so every 7 days. This is why the diet has that name.

Psychologically, changing what you eat and how much you eat helps you to not get bored with the diet you're on. Change is great for your motivation and being allowed to eat more calories every now and then helps to reduce cravings, control hunger, and prevent the sense of deprivation that so many other diets cause. This can help you stick to the program for as long as is necessary and not give up before you flatten your abs completely.

Physically, Calorie Confusion may help to prevent one of the biggest problems with dieting: metabolic slowdown. You see, when you go on a diet plan and start cutting your calories and your nutrients, you can lose weight. It makes a lot of sense and it can work... at the beginning. Your body, however, sees this calorie and nutrient reduction as a threat, not as something positive. Can you really blame your body? It has evolved through times when food was scarce and people starved, something that in today's developed world is unheard of.

As a means of protecting you when you don't get enough food for a few days, your body slows down your metabolism to burn less calories and conserve what it has. This is bad news for anyone who wishes to lose body fat as your metabolism determines how fast or how slow you burn calories and fat. Calorie Confusion, as the term implies, helps to 'trick' your body into believing that you're not really dieting when, in fact, you are. This is why Josh Bezoni uses this method. Since it takes your body a few days to slow down your metabolism, this change every 7 days, helps prevent metabolic slowdown and lets you burn more calories faster.