Pure Natural Healing PDF Free

Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the various parts of the plant, from the bark to the roots to the leaves to the flowers. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant. To test this, take Pure Natural Healing Review the leaf of any fresh herb, like thyme or cilantro, and rub the leaves in your hands. Take a deep breath and you can smell the essential oils. If you have ever enjoyed the gift of a rose, walked by a field of lavender or the fresh smell of cut mint then you have experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils.

Essential oils are ten times more powerful and healthy than their dried herbal counterparts that are often bottled and sprinkled to give food specific flavors and aromas. These basic oils give the plants they are found in a distinctive smell but also provide protection against predators and assist in pollination.Essential oils are non water-based phytochemicals made up of volatile organic compounds. Although they are fat soluble, they do not include fatty lipids or acids found in vegetable and animal oils. Essential oils are very clean, almost crisp, to the touch and are immediately absorbed by the skin.

If they are in their pure form, they will never leave an oily residue or feeling on the skin. Pure, unadulterated essential oils are translucent and range in color from crystal clear to deep blue.In addition to their intrinsic benefits to plants and being beautifully fragrant to people,essential oils have been used throughout history in many cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Modern scientific study and trends towards more holistic approaches to wellness are driving a revival and new discovery of essential oil health applications. The Egyptians were some of the first people to use aromatic essential oils extensively in medical practice, beauty treatment, food preparation, and in religious ceremony.



Frankincense, Sandalwood, Myrrh and Cinnamon were considered very valuable cargo along caravan trade routes and were sometimes exchanged for gold and other precious commodities.Aside from the origins, these same oils mentioned above are still used in Middle Eastern Cultures as a way to prevent common infant and child maladies that, we in the western world, get inocculated from or some form of prescription medicine when we or our children get sick. Is it any wonder that two of these items whose essential oils are now being explored scientifically, were placed at the feet of Jesus Christ as he lay in a manger?