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Sometimes when we are not aware of our eating choices or diet, we create habitual or ritual eating patterns. It may be that every morning starts with coffee or a soda, or that you have a snack from the vending machine after lunch every day, or a bowl of ice cream after the kids are in bed each night. Whatever it is, the sign of habitual eating is the lack of decision-making about it; the decision has been made so many times in the past, at the same time/place, that the brain is on auto-pilot. "8:00pm - time for ice cream," or "We're at the mall and we always get a cinnamon roll at the mall." There is little consideration for whether Purathrive Liposomal Turmeric Extract Review you really even want the ice cream or cinnamon roll (or what it would feel like to skip it) the craving has already been triggered by the habitual association of time or place and the food item.There are two issues here with regard to changing your food planning. The first is the unconscious consumption of empty calories. With habitual association, we don't even necessarily get pleasure from what we're eating because we're putting hand to mouth in a rut or unthinking way. If you're having an afternoon snack of potato chips just because you always have that for your afternoon snack, are you enjoying them? Do you taste them? Are you even hungry? Sometimes habitual foods serve a psychological function - a break from or reward for the daily grind. In either case, consider ways to take a break or reward yourself which does not involve food.

The other issue with habitual eating is that maybe you are eating the same unhealthy food each day or in a routine because you really do enjoy it. Maybe Friday nights are ice cream night and you look forward to selecting your flavor as a way to celebrate the weekend. You only eat ice cream once a week and enjoy the flavors and experience when you do. As we discussed, we don't want to eliminate foods, only make small changes.Here's a Tip: For habitual eating that you do consciously enjoy, consider changing the time of day when you eat your "habitual" food. So if Fridays are for ice cream, eat it in the morning (Friday or Saturday) instead of at night. This may sound unusual, but it serves two purposes. First, it disrupts the habit, making you aware of your food choices. Secondly, eating calorie-dense foods in the morning gives your body a chance to metabolize that food energy over the course of the day, rather than having it sit all night.

The flavors and richness of ice cream are the same no matter what time you eat it, but its effects on your weight are not.Change the time when you eat your most unhealthy meals or snacks from after 12:00 noon to before 12:00 noon. So if you take the worst meal or snack you eat throughout the day and put as your first or second meal, your body will have time to metabolize or process the meal into fuel in order to be able to burn it off. This means the ice cream or cake or cheeseburger and fries can have a better chance of being burned off through your natural daily movement. The sheer fact that your eyes are open and your brain is working because of interaction with other people and things put you in a better state for metabolizing unhealthy foods than if you were lying down to go to bed after a meal. If you eat the unhealthy meals at five, six, or seven o'clock at night and then sit down to watch TV before you go to bed, the effects are negative. When we go to bed, we enter a "rest state" of metabolizing our last meal. The last meal is usually the worst meal and most unhealthy meal of the day for a lot of people because it's coupled with a dessert and sometimes an after dinner snack after the dessert.


Then we lay down on this food because it makes us tired and for the most part all it can do is process slowly into our fat storage centers. Don't worry-- ice cream, cake or a burger and fries taste just as good at 9:00 AM as it does at 9:00 PM, so you will have the "moment on your lips" but you'll be reducing the "lifetime on your hips".You're too busy, too tired. too intimidated by treadmills and dumbbells and guys in muscle tees. Yes, you have plenty of reasons not to exercise. But there are even more reasons to exercise. Time and time again, exercise has been proven to boost overall physical, mental and emotional well-being.Everyone would agree that exercise is a vital component of any long-term weight-control program. Therefore, establishing an exercise routine that works for you is important. As humans, however, we can be very clever in devising reasons and excuses not to exercise.