Erect On Demand Review

No one wants to go through life with a red, ruddy face that makes a person look like they've just come in from the cold. But, for those who suffer from acne rosacea this is a fact of life. This condition, just like Erect On Demand its somewhat similar namesake, can be a nightmare for sufferers to combat and an embarrassment along the way.

Dealing with acne rosacea first requires a bit of understanding about the condition. It's important to note that although rosacea and acne share a similar name, the two conditions are very different. They do, however, have some troublesome similarities.

Let's look at the major characteristics of acne rosacea. This dermatological medical condition is characterized by red, swollen skin, generally on the face. It can range in severity greatly, and unlike acne itself, rosacea doesn't present with blackheads or whiteheads. Rosacea does, however, make itself very visible and can, like acne, lead to permanent disfigurement of the face.

While acne rosacea and acne are two very different facial conditions, they share some pesky similarities. These include such notorious things as not having definitive causes or cures and treatments that tend to work for some patients, but not all.

Acne rosacea tends to strike adults between the ages of 30 and 50. It can present on the cheeks, forehead, chin and even nose of a patient and its severity will range form mild to disfiguring. In severe cases, acne rosacea involves swelling of the skin that can lead to broken blood vessels. In very bad cases, the condition progresses to include pustules that may break and leave behind permanent disfigurement.